Maximilien de Robespierre: A True Revolutionary Man Or A Madman?

A. Sutherland - -  Maximilien de Robespierre (May 6, 1758 – July 28, 1794) was a French philosopher, journalist, scholar, judge, lawyer, and an important official during the French Revolution (1789–1799).

Maximilien de Robespierre: A True Revolutionary Man Or A Madman?

Robespierre was one of the principal architects of the Reign of Terror, and many have wondered: Was he a revolutionary or a madman?

He was born on May 6, 1758, at Arras, in the north of France. He studied the law, became a lawyer at 21 years old, and was the leader of the radical Jacobins in the National Assembly.

His main goal was to defend people's rights, especially the more modest ones. Soon, Robespierre became famous, calling for political change in the French monarchy.

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