The Iron Man In The Kottenforst And Other Puzzling Ancient Artifacts Of Unknown Origin And Purpose - Among strange artifacts that cannot be easily explained, there is a stele located in the the German national forest, (Kottenforst Naturpark), Roisdorf, a few miles west of Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.

It is a roughly square metal bar partially buried in the ground, with about 4 feet 10 inches (1.47 m) above the ground and approximately 9 feet (2.7 m) below ground.

The Iron Man In The Kottenforst And Other Puzzling Ancient Artifacts Of Unknown Origin And Purpose

It's so deeply stuck in the ground that even with a powerful tractor, it cannot be drawn from the soil - as it was attempted.

The pillar is porous and irregular.

This unique ancient rarity in central Europe, is located at the center of some old medieval trails. Its origin is not sufficiently clarified.

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