A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com - The reptilian appearance of the gods in the Old Testament was a well-kept secret but the Sumerians were more open and in their epics, which can be traced as far back as 3000 BC, called their gods U-SHUM-GAL, or “great fiery flying serpent.”
They have been called the "Nagas" ("snakes") in India, the Quetzalcoatls ("Plumed Serpents") in Mexico, the Djedhi ("snakes") in Egypt, the Adders ("snakes") in Britain and the Lung ("dragons") in China.
The Toltec Mayan god Gugumatz was described as a "serpent of wisdom" - a feathered snake god, one of all three groups of gods who created Earth and humankind and gave them knowledge.
Ancient references to “serpent gods,” “flying serpents,” and “dragons” are quite common. Collectively they have been called - the "Serpents of Wisdom".
These enigmatic figurines, dated to the so-called Ubaid period in Ur (6000 to 4000 BC) were unearthed by Sir Charles Leonard Woolley (17 April 1880 - 20 February 1960), a British archaeologist best known for his excavations in the 1920s and 1930s in Mesopotamia.
The figurines depict snake- or reptilian-headed humanoids that were found in several Ubaid cemeteries in the vicinity of Ur, southern Iraq.
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