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Flying Objects Were Present In Ancient Skies

A. Sutherland - - Ancient Egyptians called the saucers "fire circles", the Bible referred to them as fiery chariots.

One of the earliest known records of a fleet of flying saucers was written very long time ago in Ancient Egypt circa 1504-1450 BC.

The Latin text to the right of the woodcarving: "In Arabia cometa in modum trabis acutissimae, acuarijs quasi punctis distinctae, cum falce phoenaria uisus est. Eodem anno totam Carinthiã uastarut Turce. Cruciferi cõtra Polonos bellum pararunt. In Vngaria foedus inter Mathiam ac Vladislaum renouatum. In Creta insula (ut a Coccio Sabellico lib.i.")

The ancients spotted "two glowing wheels", beam of lights, luminous spheres and bright dots in the sky because extraterrestrials influenced Earth through out the history.
"Lights" observed in the sky in antiquity were recorded in chronicles.

The Venerable Bede (673-738) AD, the Father of English History wrote 40 books. In some parts of his "Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation" he mentioned some interesting UFO sightings.
One of them was reported from a monastery where suddenly a light "sent from heaven like a great sheet came upon them, and the light lifted up, moved to the other side of the monastery, then withdrew to the heights of heaven."

The observed "light" was of course a UFO and as described by Bede, its intense brightness made the sun at midday look like nothing but dark.

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