Rocket Launch Into Space At Sibiu, Romania Took Place In 1555 – Sibiu Manuscript - Many forgotten ancient manuscripts are kept secret and out of sight in dusty basements of libraries in different parts of the world.

In 1961, Doru Todericiu, Professor of Science and Technology at the University of Bucharest, stumbled upon an ancient document, the so-called Sibiu Manuscript.

Rocket Launch Into Space At Sibiu, Romania Took Place In 1555 - Sibiu Manuscript
The 450-page manuscript, bound into a large, single volume dated to about 1570 has history that goes back several centuries. It deals with technical data regarding a multi-stage rockets, artillery and ballistics.

The discovery has been lost in the mists of time, because historians have never referred to this invention being of such a great importance for early aviation.

The document was finally published in a Romanian Historical Review in 1967 under the title "The Sibiu Manuscript" ("The Sibiu Manuscript", Doru Todericiu, Revue Roumaine d'histoire, 1967, ed. Académie de la république Socialiste de Roumanie).


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