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Mysterious Mount Kailash: Secrets Of The Man-Made Pyramid And Entrance To The City Of The Gods

A. Sutherland - - Mount Kailash, which means "precious jewel of eternal snow" remains a place shrouded in mystery and legend.

According to ancient beliefs, this enigmatic Tibetan mountain represents the axis of the world or the stairway to heaven. In many eastern countries Mount Kailash is considered the holiest place on Earth. Some ancient sources say this is where we can find the mysterious city of the gods.

Located around four long rivers, the Indus River, the Sutlej River, the Brahmaputra River, and the Karnali River, Mount Kailash remains a very sacred place and a great repository of mystical knowledge.

Considered as the holy abode of Lord Shiva, the mountain is currently considered unconquered. It advised not to climb the mountain, since that would be sacrilege and cause misfortune.

Mount Kailash somewhat unusual shape has led to speculations that perhaps the mountain is not a mountain at all...

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