Controversial “Life Of St. Issa” Scroll Reveals Jesus Spent Several Years In India And Tibet

Ellen Lloyd - - A controversial scroll known as the Life of Issa, the Best of the Sons of Men, reveals how Jesus spent several years in India and Tibet. To some this might be an impossibility, while others consider the events presented in this document highly probable.

Controversial "Life Of St. Issa" Scroll Reveals Jesus Spent Several Years In India And Tibet

The document was brought to light in 1887 when Nicholas Notovitch came across it during a visit to the Hemis Monastery in Ladakh, India.

Notovitch, a Belarusian Jewish adventurer who was a Russian a Russian doctor who journeyed extensively throughout Afghanistan, India, and Tibet wrote a book called The Unknown Life of Christ.

The book is based on what Notivitch learned in the monastery when he came there after having an accident that resulted in his leg being broken. This gave him the opportunity to stay for some time at the monastery where he learned about the existence of ancient records of the life of Jesus Christ.

In his book, Notovich explains how he located a Tibetan translation of the legend and carefully noted in his carnet de voyage over two hundred verses from the curious document known as "The Life of St. Issa."


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