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Bolivia And The Mystery Of The Twins Of Atlantis

Ellen Lloyd - - Who were the mysterious five twins of Atlantis? Was Bolivia part of Atlantis in ancient times?

Why are there so many ancient depictions of twins in this part of the world?

All across the world there are ancient legends and myths of a Great Flood that destroyed the world and humanity. This is a universal ancient story that can be encountered world-wide. Basically, the survivors of the Deluge have different names depending on the region.

One of the best-known Deluge legends is the biblical story of Noah, written in the book of Genesis. In ancient Greece, the survivor of the Flood was known as Deucalion, in China as Nu-wah, in India as Manu and so on.

According to legends and myths the Great Flood destroys the old world and its race. After the flood, god creates an improved race worthy, of inhabiting the Earth.

In some cases, it is not a single person or a married couple, who manages to escape but a smaller group of people.

Common for the majority of all legends, is the fact that the survivors were warned about the coming catastrophe by a higher power, a god.

The Great Flood was part of a much greater cataclysm that destroyed almost the whole Earth and all its inhabitants.

In Bolivia, we encounter the legend of Desaguadero according to which the gods decide to punish a city on the edge of a lake by submerging it in a day of earthquakes and floods. The principal god, Tunupa then sinks into the waters of Lake Poopo (also called Lake Aullagas) at Pampa Aullagas.

Tunupa was one of the oldest Andean gods. He was frequently sent by Viracocha (also called Pachacamac) on missions to the Earth.

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