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Gigantic Engravings Of A Giraffe Created Long Before Egypt As We Know It Existed


A. Sutherland - - These amazing engravings were drawn, long before ancient Egypt as we know it existed!

Gigantic Engravings Of A Giraffe Created Long Before Egypt As We Know It Existed

The carvings are 20 feet in height and consist of two life-size giraffes meticulously carved into one specific rock. One large male, which is more than 18 feet tall, was carved in front of a smaller female. Both were engraved side by side on the sandstone affected by time and weather.

They were first found and recorded in 1987 by Christian Dupuy, a French amateur archaeologist who made his discovery on the top of a granite hill the slopes of the Air Mountains.

The first photographs of the two giraffes appeared in the mid 1980s, are estimated to be between 7,000 and 10,000 years old.

Who were these prehistoric creators of gigantic engravings?

There are traces of two populations...

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