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Mystery Of The Blue Blood Gods: Why Did They Have A Different Blood And Skin Color?

Ellen Lloyd - -  There are many ancient legends from all across the world telling of a time when blue blood gods were present on our planet. Who were these beings?

Where did they come from and why was their blood blue?

Human blood consists of red and white corpuscles and plasma. It is in fact iron that makes our blood red, but some creatures have different metals in their transport system and thus a different color of the blood.

For example, crabs and crustaceans use copper in their transport system which gives them blue blood, and sea shrimps have green blood as they use the metal vanadium.

There is no reason to assume that our composition of bodily fluid is life supporting on alien planets. Today, when we use the phrase "he or she has blue blood", it is an expression applied to nobility. Our ancestors might have been talking literally when describing the blue blood gods. Some of these remarkable gods are even said to have had blue skin.
How is it possible?

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