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Controversial Ancient History: Did Humans Evolve From Reptilians? The Serpent Connection From Ancient Myths To Modern Science

Ellen Lloyd - -  This is a highly controversial and thought-provoking subject.

We will therefore investigate the topic from a scientific and mythological point of view. The human reptilian connection is very old. Reptilian-like humanoids and "Lizard- people" are described in many ancient texts and religions.

"As long as humanity has kept records of its existence, legends of a serpent race have persisted. These myths tell of a mysterious race of superhuman reptilian beings who descended from the heavens to participate in creating humankind and to teach the sciences, impart forbidden knowledge, impose social order, breed with us and watch over our development.

The serpent-like beings were not alone but were part of a retinue of super-beings thought to be gods by the ancients.

Yet, in cultures as widespread and diverse as those of Sumeria, Babylonia, India, China, Japan, Mexico, and Central America, reptilian gods have been feared and worshipped. To this day the dragon or serpent signifies divine heritage and royalty in many Asian countries, while in the West, the serpent represents wisdom and knowledge.

The symbol of two serpents coiled around a staff (originally signifying the tree of knowledge of ancient myth), known as the caduceus, is today used by the American Medical Association as its logo," wrote Joe Lewels, Ph.D. in his article "The Reptilians: Humanity's Historical Link to the Serpent Race".

The subject of reptilians has become popular for some decades when, David Icke, stated that some human beings on Earth are not normal like us and they are reptilians.

So is it possible that we evolved from reptilians?

There are certain physiological similarities between humans and reptilians. We have what is known as the "reptilian brain".

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