A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com - Marcahuasi is an eerie place related to many legends and unbelievable stories about mysterious subterranean chambers, sightings of balls of light or even encounters with unknown inner-earth beings.
The name is old and predates the Incan Empire.
According to Daniel Ruzo, Peruvian explorer and philosopher, the name Markawasi (Marcahuasi ) probably meant two storied house and referred to the strange complex of buildings located on the site. According to Ruzo, the ancient people who built Markawasi were called the Masma and supposedly, Peru was not their only home. Masma carved Marcahuasi figures using an unknown molding technique before and after the Deluge, which was long before the ancestors of the Incas.
Ruzo believed in the powerful Masma culture from the distant past.They traveled to many places on Earth, created sculptures in stone and their goal was to warn humanity of coming cataclysms.
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