- The wreck of an ancient ship has been discovered off the coast of Salento.
It is believed the wreck dates back to either the 12th or 13th century.
The sunken ship, made almost entirely of wood and measuring 18 metres by 4.5 metres, has lain for years untouched near the coastline of Salento, in the southern tip of the Puglia region, La Stampa reported.
The wreck was found in the Porto Cesareo Marine Protected Area, where human activity is restricted in order to conserve the area's natural resources, writes The Local.
The wreck of a ship is believed to date back to either the 12th or 13th century, has been found off the coast of Salento. Photo: La Stampa
Pasquale De Braco, a fisherman and adviser to the protected area, notified local authorities of its presence, and divers were sent to investigate.
Because of the boat’s proximity to the medieval fishing village of Porto Cesareo, it could “explain significant aspects of the coastline in medieval times and contribute to the historical reconstruction of the area,” said Cristiano Alfonso, an underwater archaeologist from Salento University’s Department of Cultural Heritage, who carried out the initial assessment.
“We are very happy and excited not only by the important discovery of the wreck, but also by the productive collaboration between the Department of Archaeology at the University of Salento and Porto Cesareo Marine Protected Area,” Paolo D’Ambrosio, president of the Porto Cesareo Marine Protected Area, said in a statement.
source: The Local