The Golden Apple Myth And Norse Goddess Idun

A. Sutherland - - In Norse mythology, the gods and goddesses sprang from a mixed race and were not immortal.

They had to regularly eat amazing golden apples from Idun's garden to ward off diseases, disabilities, and old age and remain vigorous, beautiful, and young through countless generations.

The Golden Apple Myth And Norse Goddess Idun

Idun and the Apples by James Doyle Penrose, 1890. Credit: Public Domain

Idun (Ithunn), daughter of a dwarf blacksmith, Ivald, and the goddess of eternal youth, spring, love, and fertility, was the keeper of the golden apples of youth, which she maintained in her magic casket.

"Bright Iduna, Maid immortal!

Standing at Valhalla's portal,

In her casket has rich store

Of rare apples gilded o'er;

Those rare apples, not of Earth,

Ageing Æsir gives fresh birth...."

Idun possessed great power, and she knew about it. She was the wife of Bragi (Brage), the god of poetry and eloquence, and the patron of skalds or poets. It was Bragi who gave human beings a compelling ability – inspiration. He also made his Cup of Bragi famous among those who had sworn an oath.

Also, the gods knew that Idun had something they needed, namely, valuable golden apples, so they warmly greeted her when she arrived with her husband Bragi in Asgard, the realm of the gods.

To further win the gods' fondness, Idun promised them a daily taste of her apples which she treasured in her casket.

Loki and Idun. (1896) Credits: Lucy Fitch Perkins/ Reusable Art

Loki and Idun. (1896). Credit: Reusable Art

"The golden apples Out of her garden Have yielded you a dower of youth, Ate you them every day." (Wagner Forman's tr.)

No matter how many she drew out from the casket, the same number always remained in it.

But she always had to be very careful when she shared the apples with the gods because dwarfs and giants were eager to obtain possession of the fruit.

One day, Idun was kidnapped by the giant Thiazzi, the frost giant and father of Skadi, goddess of destruction, winter, hunters, and skiers. The only surviving myth about Idun's kidnapping says that after being tempted by Loki's promise to show her apples similar to those she possessed, Idun left Asgard with him.

However, instead of apples, the giant Thiazi appeared as an eagle. In this form, he took the goddess with him to his Palace.

Eventually, Idun was saved by Loki, who the gods forced to do so, extracting the truth about the goddess ' kidnapping from him. Loki arrived at the giant's Palace when the owner was gone and, having turned Idun into a walnut, took her with him. To get her back, Thiazi had to stop the chase after discovering that Idun had escaped. The gods lit a big fire, and Loki, who appeared as a Falcon, managed to fly with the goddess. Meanwhile, Thiazi was killed in flames. Idun's valuable apples were finally recovered.

Updated on August 30, 2022

Written by - A. Sutherland Staff Writer

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