Imhotep: Ancient Genius And Architect Of The Sakkara Pyramid

A. Sutherland - -  He was well-known for his intelligence and wisdom. Imhotep, or "he who comes in peace," was an ancient Egyptian genius and the great architect of the world's first known monumental stone building, the Step Pyramid at Sakkara.

A Great Mind Of Ancient Egypt

Born in the 27th century BC in Ankhtowe, a suburb of Memphis, Egypt, Imhotep showed he had many talents very early.

Imhotep: Ancient Genius And Architect Of The Sakkara Pyramid

Imhotep's father, Kanofer, a celebrated architect, was later known to be the first of a long line of master builders who contributed to Egyptian works through the reign of King Darius the First (522–486 BC).

Imhotep followed in his father's footsteps and became even more influential. He was the inventor of the Sakarra (Saqqara) pyramid and the author of ancient wisdom, architect, high priest, physician, astronomer, and writer. His knowledge was so vast that he was later promoted to the status of a god and became worshipped as the god of medicine in Egypt and Greece, where he was identified with the Greek god of medicine, Asclepius.

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