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On This Day In History: Army Of Tsar Alexander I Of Russia Enters Paris – On March 31, 1814

On This Day In History: Army Of Tsar Alexander I of Russia Enters Paris - On March 31, 1814 - On March 31, 1814, Tsar Alexander I of Russia, at the head of the Coalition Army, triumphantly marched into Paris, forcing Napoleon to abdicate a few days later.

The Coalition armies, including Russian, Prussian, and Austrian, entered France earlier that year and, after several battles, reached Paris's gates. By this time, Napoleon's army was weakened.

Russian troops entering Paris in 1814 / Wikimedia Commons

Previous battles caused massive casualties, and the nation was tired and discouraged. After 25 years of Napoleonic wars, only older men and children remained in some departments, and resources to support the war were scarce.

Russian and Prussian armies were the driving and decisive force behind the Coalition. The King of Prussia and Alexander I supported each other in the war against Napoleon. Alexander was determined; he wished to enter Paris just as Napoleon had entered Moscow on his failed invasion of Russia in 1813. Alexander promised, 'I shall not make peace as long as Napoleon is on the throne.'

It was a great move by Alexander, who deceived Napoleon.

During the battles on the outskirts of Paris, Alexander directed the main Coalition armies to march on to Paris. At the same time, a Russian general with a vast mass of 10,000 cavalrymen rode towards Saint Pizier, where Napoleon was in battle with the Austrian allies. Napoleon realized too late that a divisionary detachment was sent, not the main army. By this time, Russian and Prussian troops were nearing Paris.

Left: Alexander I r. 1801-1825. Image source.  Right: Jacques-Louis David - The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries - Google Art Project. Image credit: Jacques-Louis David - Public Domain

Napoleon's brother King Joseph was in charge of defending Paris with over 60,000 soldiers. Although there were not enough troops to resist the large coalition army coming toward them, they were falsely reassured that Napoleon was on his way with reinforcement. A battle escalated, and the Coalition began their attack.

Fighting continued until Joseph abandoned Paris, wishing to surrender. Tsar Alexander did not want to destroy Paris like the Prussians, who wished to set the city on fire; instead, he tried to bring peace to France rather than its destruction.

"When God made me powerful and gave my armies success, He wished me to secure the peace of the world. If we can do so without shedding any more blood, we shall be glad, but if not, we shall carry on the fight to the end ...."

Alexander hastened the surrender and signed a treaty offering generous terms to France. And on March 31, the Russian tsar was presented with the keys to the French capital, and Alexander and the Coalition armies entered the city.

Until now, no foreign army had reached Paris in nearly 400 years.

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