Pooka: Solitary Spirit And Not Entirely Benevolent Prankster In Irish Folklore
A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com - One of the most famous creatures of Celtic folklore is the Pooka (or puca).
Pooka is a November spirit and it is worth mentioning that November-day is sacred to this creature. This staring phantom has many shapes. One time it is a horse, another time it appears as an ass or perhaps a bull, a goat, or an eagle.
The Pooka promised Brian Boru , the High King of Ireland. He was the only one man has ever managed to ride the pooka.
Ancient people’s beliefs say that if you treat the Pooka with respect, this creature will give you helpful advice or an important prophecy.
It is commonly believed that the Pooka has the power of human speech, and used it to lead people away from harm.
But if the Pooka is offended, it can vandalize your house and destroy crops, when it usually comes at night and enjoys creating mischief and havoc.
This creature seems to be the most feared faerie in Ireland and many people don’t really understand why, because there are no records of any incidents of a Pooka actually causing a human any harm.
This psychological fear in people who believe in them can be compared to the devil in Christianity that creates fear in Christians.
According to legend, a Pooka, which lives in the mountains and hills, is a quick and skillful shapeshifter, capable of assuming a great variety of terrifying or nice and good-looking and trustworthy forms. It may appear as a goat, dog, rabbit, goblin, but often, it takes a shape of a black horse with a flowing mane and luminescent golden eyes.
In this form, the Pooka wanders across vast areas of countryside, always at night, destroying gates and fences, damaging crops, and generally causing small disasters.
What's important is that no matter what shape it takes, its fur is almost always very dark or black.
There is not only one Pooka but many of them; they can be found in any rural location across Ireland, in the vicinity of small springs and mountainous lakes. Such locations are called by the Irish people ‘Pooka Pools’ or ‘Pollaphuca’, which means Pooka or Demon Hole.
Over the last thousand years, Christians have changed the name of certain Pooka Pools, which today are called St. Patrick’s Wells
The old belief in this fascinating prankster still exists, along with a lot of old customs and superstitions. If you would like to consult the Pooka, you can wait at night on November 1, (the Pookas Day). The creature appears and gives prophecies and all kinds of warnings to those who wish to consult it.
Though not classified as wholly malevolent, this spirit is considered to be a vicious prankster that really enjoys confusing and terrifying both people and livestock.
Tradition has it that only one man has ever managed to ride the pooka and that was Brian Boru, the High King of Ireland.
Using a special bridle containing three hairs from the pooka's tail, Brian managed to control the magic horse and stay on its back until, exhausted, it surrendered to his will.
The Pooka promised Brian Boru two things: firstly, that it would no longer torment Christian people and ruin their property, and secondly, that it would never again attack an Irishmen except those who are drunk or abroad with evil intent.
The spirit kept the promises but only over the intervening years. Later, it seems to have forgotten its bargain and began new attacks on properties and travelers on their way home and so it continues to this day.
Written by – A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com Senior Staff Writer
Updated on January 22, 2024
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