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On This Day In History: National Foundation Day Celebrated In Japan – On Feb 11, 660 AD

On This Day In History: National Foundation Day Celebrated In Japan - On Feb 11, 660 AD
FacebookTwitterFlipboardPinterestEmailShare - On February 11, 660 AD, a memorable holiday was celebrated in Japan.

The so-called National Foundation Day commemorates the nation's creation and is also related to the formation of the imperial line by the first Japanese ruler, Jimmu.

On This Day In History: National Foundation Day Celebrated In Japan – On Feb 11, 660 AD

Detail of Emperor Jinmu - Stories from "Nihonki" (Chronicles of Japan), by Ginko Adachi. Woodblock print depicting legendary first emperor Jimmu, who saw a sacred bird flying away while he was in the expedition of the eastern section of Japan. Image credit: Ginko Adachi (active 1874-1897) - artelino - Japanese Prints - Archive 29th May 2009 - Public Domain

"The Chronicles of Japan" ("Nihon Shoki") is Japan's first national history book, and it informs that Emperor Jimmu was crowned in 660 AD, on what the Meiji Government (1868-1912) later interpreted as February 11, according to the solar calendar.

The day initially coincided with New Year's Day according to the Chinese calendar, and it is believed that Emperor Jimmu took the throne on this particular day. On the other hand, the Gregorian calendar says the day fell on January 29, when the festival was originally celebrated.

It was then called Empire Day. It was in 1873 that the Japanese Government decided to shift the day to February 11 to make people realize the importance of Foundation Day.

National Foundation Day in a street of Tokyo, 2019

National Foundation Day in a street of Tokyo, 2019. Image credit: Artanisen  - CC BY-SA 4.0

The Government did not disclose the exact calculations used but propagated this day as the day when Jimmu took the throne.

This day was celebrated with great passion in the era before the Second World War. After the abolishment and the re-establishment of this day, there is no grandeur associated with the day. Japan's schools and offices remain closed today, and people often restrict themselves indoors. The National Flag of Japan is raised, and the Prime Minister of Japan delivers a speech to the people.

Although people can be seen waving the Japanese flags, this day is not associated with some special ceremonies. However, the day is considered an important political event. It was on this day in 1946 that General McArthur approved the model Constitution.

However, before World War II, this holiday was marked by large parades and intended to focus national attention on the emperor, and was considered one of the four most significant holidays in Japan.

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