Rosicrucians’ Secret Knowledge Of Atlantis, Pyramids And Extraterrestrial Visitations

Ellen Lloyd – – Secret documents hidden in the library of the Rosicrucians reveal humans’ mysterious past and the inevitable future of the human race.

What was the function of the pyramids? How and why was Atlantis destroyed? Who are the guardians of the secret wisdom?

Where did our creators come from?

Let us open these ancient gates and look into the past and to better understand future…

Rosicrucians' Secret Knowledge Of Atlantis, Pyramids And Extraterrestrial Visitations

The Vatican library is not the only place that is full of secrets. There are also some secret societies that possess unique knowledge of our planet’s history.

Today, I would like to write a little about the secret knowledge of the Rosicrucians, a society of mystics, formed in late medieval Germany.

Rosicrucian French Grandmaster And Secret Documents

According to secret documents in the library of the Rosicrucians, the Greek philosopher Plato (427 or 428 – 347 B.C) was a depository of the Atlantean tradition and his account is genuine.
Parts of the teachings of the Rosicrucians have been revealed to the order’s members by the French Grand Master ...

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