Egyptian Priest Sonchis Of Sais And His Story About Atlantis – Were The Shemsu Hor Survivors Of A Great Catastrophe That Ended The Ice Age?

Ellen Lloyd - - Very little is known about Sonchis of Sais, an Egyptian priest who, according to ancient Greek texts, revealed intriguing information about the legendary Atlantis.

From whom did he receive knowledge about events that happened thousands of years before his time?

Egyptian Priest Sonchis Of Sais And His Story About Atlantis – Were The Shemsu Hor Survivors Of A Great Catastrophe That Ended The Ice Age?

He described remarkable ancient empires, natural catastrophes, and a great war that ended a powerful ancient civilization. If Sonchis of Sais was a member of the Shemsu-Hor, known as the Followers of Horus,, then the history of ancient Egypt may be even more complex than we could imagine.

Sonchis of Sais said Athens was at war with an ancient civilization from Atlantis.

Sonchis of Sais said Athens was at war with an ancient civilization from Atlantis.

Sonchis of Sais Revealed The Atlantean Civilization Was At War With Athens

Whether Sonchis of Sais was a real historical person has never been confirmed, and historians have different opinions on this subject. This enigmatic ancient Egyptian priest is mentioned in the Platonic dialogues Timaeus and Critias, written around 360 B.C.

During one of his journeys to Egypt, Solon (638–558 BC), an Athenian statesman, lawmaker, and poet, met a very old priest who told him a remarkable story.

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