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Zoroaster’s Doomsday Prophecy About Comet Gochihr And Its Similarity With The Apocalypse Of John In The Book Of Revelation

Ellen Lloyd - - Zoroaster is like many other prophets associated with a doomsday prophecy.

According to Zoroaster, the end of the world will come about when a comet, called Gochihr, strikes the Earth. Prophet Zoroaster’s doomsday prediction and the End Times described in the Biblical Book of Revelation are surprisingly similar. Could these two predictions be foretelling the same event?

Who Was Prophet Zoroaster?

Zoroastrianism is considered to be one of the oldest religions on the planet. Its founder, Zoroaster, also called Zarathustra, was an ancient Persian prophet who was born around 628 B.C. He is believed to have died about 550 B.C

The origins and even the original teachings of Zoroastrianism are now lost and obscure, but based on the information that has been preserved we do know at least some things about Prophet Zoroaster and his faith.

The School of Athens by Raphael (Zoroaster holding globe).

He lived in in eastern Persia (now Iran and Afghanistan) and said he had received a vision from Ahura Mazda, the Wise Lord, who appointed him to preach the truth. His teachings about of an ongoing cosmic battel between Ahura Mazda, the God of Light, and Ahriman, the principle of evil, gained him many followers.

Prophet Zoroaster stated that humans had the power to choose between good and evil.

According to his teachings we all have a spiritual choice. We can accept aša (truth, which leads to the divine), and reject druj (lies, which lead to ignorance and chaos). Zoroaster encouraged his followers to think good thoughts, speak good words, and do good deeds for others.

Will a comet predicted by Zoroaster cause the end of the world?

Prophet Zoroaster’s followers passed down his teachings to successive generations for probably over a thousand years. Then the knowledge of Zoroaster was written down and incorporated into scripture known as the Avesta, but only a few copies were made.

See also:

Legend Of Kitezh – Ancient Underwater City And Its Doomsday Prophecy

The Lost Prophecy Reveals Chilling Future Events – The Last Words To Mankind?

Gog And Magog Prophecy In The Book Of Revelation

Unfortunately, the ancient scriptures were lost or destroyed in the ensuing attacks of Arabs, Turks, and Mongols. The oldest copy in existence dates from 1323 A.D., and great scholarly debate surrounds the authenticity of this scripture.

Zoroaster’s Doomsday Prophecy About Comet Gochihr

Prophet Zoroaster foretold that comet Gochir will eventually strike the earth, but he didn’t provide any definite date of the event. When it happens, "fire and halo" will melt all metals and minerals and will burn up the world in a general conflagration. The resulting boiling flood of metal will flow over the earth like a river. The righteous, as well as the wicked souls (released from hell) will pass through it. The wicked will be purified of their sins, but the pious will feel like they're passing through warm milk.

The most detailed description of this is found in the 30th chapter of the Bundahishn.

From the Book of Revelation, we learn that:

“The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.” (Revelation 8:8-9)

Is there any connection between the Book of Revelation and Zoroaster's prophecy?

One of the reason the two prophecies are interesting to compare is because they both put emphasis on the pain of the wicked.

In his Gathas (Hymns), Zarathushtra reveals that The World Savior, Saoshyant (Pahl. Soshyant), will come and stop the cruelty of bloodthirsty and wicked people, and renew the world, and end death. This sounds like the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Perhaps these similarities are simply coincidences, but anyone interested in the Bible, may find Zoroaster’s story of comet Gochihr and the doomsday prophecy related in the Book of Revelations worthy of further study.

Written by  Ellen Lloyd –

Copyright © & Ellen Lloyd All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of and Ellen Lloyd

About the author:
Ellen Lloyd – is the owner of and an author who has spent decades researching ancient mysteries, myths, legends and sacred texts, but she is also very interested in astronomy, astrobiology and science in general

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