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Unique Medieval Horsemen Sculptures Made By Unknown Creators In India – Puzzling Discovery In The Himalayas

Ellen Lloyd - - Scientists are confronted with an intriguing Medieval puzzle. It’s the first time ever such sculptures have been found in India, but who made them and why?

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While excavating in the Himalayas on the ​​ border of India and Pakistan, archaeologists discovered two ritual complexes. As many as 200 beautiful and unique Medieval horsemen sculptures were found inside the sanctuaries.

The Russian-Indian expedition who made the discovery has been operating in India for three years and researchers say they have had fantastic results so far. Now, it was time to investigate a complex area of ​​the Himalayas and the discoveries are striking.


“About 200 stone horsemen were found in the sanctuary, and their specificity is that sometimes not one person sits on a horse, but two, three or four people. That is, it is the embodiment of some mysteries and myths that are yet to be read: all these sculptures are voluminous, richly decorated with carvings, Vyacheslav Molodin, deputy director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS said.

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Although the Medieval stone sculptures were made in the same style, they are all different from each other. The details on each of the horsemen are unique.

Molodin explained this is the first time scientists encountered this type of medieval sculpture in India. It’s a truly unique archaeological discovery.

The horsemen were made during the Middle Ages, but since nothing similar has ever been discovered in India it currently remains unknown who the creators were.

Ellen Lloyd -

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