Hidden Giant Tombs In Armenia Remain An Ancient Mystery

Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - Tales of ancient giants exist in all parts of the world, but the lack of proper evidence in form of skeletons makes it very difficult to prove people of giant stature once walked the Earth.

This means there is a huge gap between mythology about giants and archaeological evidence, but it is possible there are still mysterious hidden tombs belonging to giants that we possess little information about?

Hidden Giant Tombs In Armenia Remain An Ancient Mystery

Some places have never been properly excavated by archaeologists. This could be due to lack of finances or sometimes because scientists are not allowed to enter with permission from authorities.

There are also stories about discoveries of giant graves and those accounts have never fully investigated and they be neither confirmed nor denied.

Local legends tells there once in the past there was a large city inhabited by giants. Where was it located?

Our journey and quest for evidence of giants takes us this time to Armenia and Georgia where some say graves of very large people were found...


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