Ancient Secrets Of Mistletoe – Sacred Celtic Plant With Magical Powers

Ellen Lloyd - - Today, we associate mistletoe with Christmas. We decorate with mistletoe and don't think much about how this wonderful plant entered our homes.

To many of us, mistletoe is simply one of many Christmas traditions, but the use of the remarkable plant started a very long time ago.

Mistletoe – Sacred Celtic Plant With Magical Properties

Mistletoe Offered Protection Against Evil Spirits

Mistletoe is an evergreen plant with white berries that can grow in trees in North America and Europe.

The origins of mistletoe as decoration may lie in the ancient belief that it protected against thunder and lightning and warded off evil spirits.

During the Middle Ages, mistletoe branches were hung from ceilings to ward off evil spirits.

In Europe, they were placed over houses and stable doors to prevent the entrance of witches.

People believed mistletoe possessed mystical powers that could bring good luck to a family during December.

Why Mistletoe Was Sacred To Ancient People

In ancient times, mistletoe was considered a miracle plant and sacred to the Celts, the Norse, and the North American Native Americans. Mistletoe stunts the growth of its host trees and can even kill them if it gets too big.

It may sound strange that a parasite, a plant that sucks the life out of another organism, could inspire such awe, but the mistletoe is unique and much different from most of nature's other parasites.

This beautiful, flowing plant flourishes at a time when all other living creatures fight for life. It seems to grow out of nothing and yet appears to be everywhere. Its growth cannot be controlled, nor, it seems, can the plant be eradicated.

 Ancient Secrets Of Mistletoe - Sacred Celtic Plant With Magical Powers

The mistletoe was sacred to Celts. Credit: Adobe Stock - Archivist

Pliny the Elder, the Roman philosopher and naturalist, wrote that the Celts used the plant as an antidote to poison and increase their cattle's fertility. In the Celtic language, mistletoe means "All Heal."

In Norse myths and legends, mistletoe is described as the only thing that could kill the god Balder, the son of the God Odinand brother of the God Thor.

The plant had healing properties, and ancient people considered it sacred. It has been used as an herbal remedy in Europe and by Native Americans for hundreds of years.

It is still an ingredient in some homeopathic medicines, and scholars test the plant's medical use in modern times. It has been used to treat epilepsy, apoplexy, palsy, tuberculosis, stroke, and cancer.

Ancient Secrets Of Mistletoe - Sacred Celtic Plant With Magical PowersAccording to Norse mythology, God Balder was killed by a mistletoe arrow, and his mother, Frigga wept white berries, which brought him back to life. Baldr's Death by Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg (1783–1853). Credit: Public Domain

In Norse mythology, the mistletoe was a symbol of love and friendship. This explains the origin of the custom of kissing under the mistletoe.

Mistletoe was also a Druidic symbol of joy and peace.

The hanging of mistletoe and the custom kissing beneath it is a popular tradition in Christmas celebrations.

When you bring the plant to your house, don't forget that mistletoe is one of the most magical, mysterious, and sacred plants of all time.

Updated on December 10, 2023

Written by Ellen Lloyd –

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