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Legendary Pirate Black Sam And His Ship Discovered Off The Coast Of Cape Cod

FacebookTwitterFlipboardPinterestEmailShare - Legendary pirate Black Sam , sometimes nicknamed the 'Robin Hood of the Seas' was an English pirate who operated in the early 18th century.

Researchers have discovered a shipwreck near Wellfleet, just outside the coast off Cape Cod, USA. It is believed to be the ship belonging to pirate Black Sam. Marine archaeologists have also uncovered human bones on the ship.  There is a chance these remains could be of pirate captain Black Sam.

Legendary Pirate Black Sam And His Ship Discovered Off The Coast Of Cape Cod

Samuel Bellamy was a pirate who died at the young age of 28. He was known as “Black Sam” because he did not use the popular powdered wig, preferring to tie back his long, black hair instead.

Forensic scientists from the University of New Haven in Connecticut will now compare the DNA from the bones to a DNA sample given by one of Bellamy’s living descendants in the United Kingdom.

Captain Samuel Bellamy (c. February 23, 1689 – April 26, 1717), later known as "Black Sam" captured at least 53 ships in his short time as a pirate, making him the wealthiest pirate in recorded history with an estimated net worth of nearly $141 million in today’s dollars.

Legendary Pirate Black Sam And His Ship Discovered Off The Coast Of Cape Cod

Conservationists at the Whydah Pirate Museum said they found skeletal remains from the pirate ship Whydah Gally inside a mass of hardened sand and stone pulled from the wreck site near Wellfleet. Credit: Whydah Pirate Museum

Bellamy came from a poor family and joined the Royal Navy when he was just 13. After taking part in the War of Spanish Succession (1701-1714), in which Britain was involved, Bellamy moved to Massachusetts in the the American colony of New England.

Later, left together with a friend he in pursuit of a sunken Spanish fleet near the Florida. The Spanish ship was said to be filled with treasure, but Bellamy and his friends never found riches. So, they put together a crew and decided to become pirates.

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“The Whydah site is the maritime equivalent of King Tut’s Tomb,” said Casey Sherman, who is creating a movie about finding the wreck.

Pirate Black Sam's ship was originally built to carry slaves. It was armed with at least 60 cannons when it sank. Marine archaeologists report that many of those weapons were found still fully loaded.

Gold recovered from wreck of the Whydah.

“Along with treasure and everything else, these guys were stealing cannons as well,” said Chris Macort, an archeologist and director of the ship's exhibit at the Whydah Pirate Museum in West Yarmouth.
“These guys were like the first Boy Scouts -- they were always prepared. They were always ready for battle.”

When the ship went down, it took with it about four tons of pilfered silver and gold, and all but two of the 142-member crew, including Bellamy. It’s the only pirate ship found anywhere with its stolen treasure, Macort added.
It's an incredible discovery and the DNA study will hopefully confirm the identity of legendary pirate Black Sam.

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