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Nazar Amulet – Blue Color Wards Off The Evil Eye According To Ancient Belief

Nazar Amulet – Blue Color Wards Off The Evil Eye According To Ancient Belief

Ellen Lloyd - - Millions of modern people believe in the power of the Evil Eye, just like our ancestors did in ancient times. This belief has nothing to do with that people are afraid of eye contact, but rather of harmful power that comes from emotions such as envy or greed.

Nazar Amulet – Blue Color Wards Off The Evil Eye According To Ancient Belief

Nazar amulets can be bought in many places today. 

All across the world it’s possible to stumble upon ancient symbols that are thought to protect against the curse of the Evil Eye. Some of these symbols are very old, but their meaning and purpose have never been erased from history. In ancient times it was believed that blue color was strong protection against the Evil Eye, a magical power that is at least 5,000 years old.

3,000-Year-Old Sumerian Clay Tablet - Oldest Reference To The Evil Eye

As previous discussed on Ancient Pages, the curse of the Evil Eye is an ancient, superstitious and almost universal belief that certain people possess the supernatural power to cause disaster, illness, calamity and even death.

They have an ability to do it with a gaze or stare that gives an unpleasant emotion. The evil eye is widely feared in many parts of the world.

Nazar Amulet – Blue Color Wards Off The Evil Eye According To Ancient Belief

Nazar symbol. Credit: Public Domain

In modern English we have an expression such as “if looks could kill” and we may joke about it, but ancient people took this notion very seriously. The history of the Evil Eye history stretches back to ancient Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome through to the Bible, Medieval Europe, and the modern day.  One of the oldest reference to the Evil Eye comes from Mesopotamia. About 3,000 years ago, Sumerians wrote on a cuneiform tablet that there are water cures against the Evil Eye. The ancient text reads:” The eye ad-gir, the eye a man has…. The eye afflicting man with evil, the ad-gir. Unto heaven is approached and the storms sent to rain.”  The next part of the text involves a Sumerian cure. “Seven vases of meal-water behind grinding stones. With oil mix. Upon (his) face apply.”

Hamsa Symbol Protects From Harm Caused By The Evil Eye

To gain a more permanent protection from the Evil Eye, ancient civilizations started using various protection amulets.

Ancient Symbol Hamsa - Read more

One of the most famous symbols protecting against the Evil Eye is called Hamsa. As described on Ancient Pages in a previous article, Hamsa is a universal symbol and we encounter it in many faiths. It is especially popular among Jews and Muslims. The Hamsa is variously known as the Hand of Fatima (Mohammed’s daughter) and the Hand of Merriam (Moses’ sister) suggest, which is why the amulet carries significance to both Jews and Muslims. It is also sometimes referred to as the Hand of Mary representing Mary, mother of Jesus.

Nazar Amulets And Why Blue Color Ward Off The Evil Eye

Many people who fear the Evil Eye buy protection amulets that can be found in many corners of the world. Nazar amulets are especially popular in Turkey, but they can be found in other countries as well.

In Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Armenia, Iran, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Azerbaijan, Nazar is often hung in homes, offices, cars, children's clothing, or incorporated in jewelry and ornaments. The belief in the curse of the Evil Eye is very much alive.

The belief in the evil eye goes back thousands of years. Read more

The word Nazar derives from Arabic, meaning literally sight or seeing  (hence Nazarite, the knowing ones, or Gnostics).

See also:

Eye Of Providence – Powerful, Secret Symbol With Deep Meaning

Vegvisir – Very Old And Sacred Norse Symbol Of Protection And Guidance

12 Ancient Egyptian Symbols Explained

Ancient Symbol Fleur-de-lis: It’s Meaning And History Explained

More Ancient Symbols

Nazar is an eye-shaped amulet. A typical Nazar is made of handmade glass featuring concentric circles or teardrop shapes in dark blue, white, light blue and black, occasionally with a yellow/gold edge. Glass beads were produced and widely used in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Carthage, Phoenicia, Persia and the Roman Empire.

The color blue in the Nazar amulet is of particular importance. History reveals many ancient cultures considered blue color to be of divine origin. Ancient Egyptians saw the deep blue color of water as life and blue sky was divine.

Sumerians made many statues of beings who had very big and blue eyes. Like many other ancient civilizations, the Sumerians considered blue eyes to be a sign of gods.

Many ancient civilizations depicted beings with blue eyes. Read more

Also, blue eyes were an unusual color in western Asia. Blue eyes were perceived as having powerful magic, powerful enough even for deflecting the Evil Eye.

Today, some people buy Nazar amulets because of their intriguing appearance and it’s true they are nice to look at, but we should not forget the history behinds this powerful symbol that is at least 5,000 year-old.

Written by  Ellen Lloyd –

Copyright © & Ellen Lloyd All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of and Ellen Lloyd

About the author:
Ellen Lloyd – is the owner of and an author who has spent decades researching ancient mysteries, myths, legends and sacred texts, but she is also very interested in astronomy, astrobiology and science in general

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