A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com - The Norse creation myth in the Poetic Edda tells how the gods were born and how the earth was created.
It is said that there was nothing, only an empty void without any existence at the beginning. It was the Ginnungagap.
Ymir, was the primeval giant and the first living creature that appeared before the earth had been created. He emerged from melting ice in the gulf of Ginnungagap, located between Niflheimr, the land of ice and shadows in the north, and Muspellsheimr, the realm of fire in the south.
Ymir represents a significant figure in the Norse cosmogony.
Emergence Of The First Norse Giants
According to “Vafthrudnismal”, which is part of the Poetic Edda, Ymir was the ancestor of the frost giants, who also call him Aurgelmir. He gave rise to the race of giants. While he slept, he began to perspire, and a man and woman were born from his left armpit, and one of his feet created a giant son. Ymir fed on the milk of the cow Audhumla (Auðumla), who was also born from the melting ice.
To nourish herself, the cow licked the ice, and after three days of licking, she caused the emergence of a strong and very handsome man named Buri.
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