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Puzzling Connection Between Native Americans And Lost Northern European Race Could Re-Write History


Ellen Lloyd - - There is a certain Native American tribe that shares many similarities with an ancient group of people in Northern Europe that we know very little about.

Is it possible Native Americans were in contact with Northern Europeans long before Christopher Columbus reached America? We are not talking about Vikings, who most already know explored America and Canada. We are referring to a mysterious ancient lost race that still eludes scientists.

Puzzling Connection Between Native Americans And Lost Northern European Race Could Re-Write History

Most mainstream historians would find the suggestion foolish, and maybe it is because we all know there is such a thing as universal thinking. On the other hand, dismissing these similarities without further investigation can be labeled scientific incompetence. Those who have researched the subject think it is unwise to ignore these puzzling similarities, and as always, it is up to our readers to form an opinion.

As we are about to find out, the customs, names, clothes, and behavior of these two tribes are almost identical. How is it possible, considering that these people were separated by the Atlantic and shouldn’t have known anything about each other’s existence? Is this just a coincidence, or have scientists overlooked an important piece of ancient history? Did some Native Americans visit Northern Europe in the distant past? Interestingly, ancient writers who documented their stories also observed these curious similarities.

In this article we travel to Canada, North America and Northern Europe and take a closer look at these striking, ancient similarities that could re-write history as we know it.

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Ancient Artifacts With Puzzling Signs Found In North America May Be Evidence Of A Lost Civilization Or Unknown Native American Tribe
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