Antediluvian Artifact Discovered In Egyptian Tomb May Solve The Great Pyramid Mystery?

Ellen Lloyd - - A thought-provoking theory put forward by an ancient history researcher suggests a mysterious artifact discovered in an ancient Egyptian tomb is of Antediluvian origin.

According to other researchers the ancient object was used by an Egyptian architect during his life-time, but Egyptologists have problems identifying the nature, age and purpose of this enigmatic and controversial artifact.

The artifact is covered with inscriptions and decorations that suggest it was a science tool used in the ancient Egypt masonry. Examinations reveal, there is an interesting connection between this ancient measurement tool and Egyptian science, cosmology and secret knowledge of the gods.

Antediluvian Artifact Discovered In Egyptian Tomb May Solve The Great Pyramid Mystery?

In this article, we return once again to Egypt and examine some unusual artifacts discovered in a tomb. We compare statement made by mainstream and alternative scientists and discover they seem to agree to a certain degree regarding this curious little ancient tool.

Does the artifact date to antediluvian times? Can the object combined with knowledge of the ancient master builder really solve the mystery of the Great Pyramid and other ancient Egyptian monuments? Let us take a closer look at a small artifact that could easily re-write ancient history.

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