Forbidden Ancient Manuscripts Almost Erased From History – Secret Teachings Of Mysterious Founder – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd - - Their religion was banned, and their monasteries were closed. Their precious ancient manuscripts were destroyed and those who practiced the forbidden religion faced death sentences.

Sometimes, as much as you try to erase something, it will survive, against all odds. This was the case with the forbidden ancient religion that tells about life on this planet, secrets of the Universe, the spiritual world and many other interesting subjects we would like to know more about.

Forbidden Ancient Manuscripts Almost Erased From History - Secret Teachings Of Mysterious Founder – Part 1

Some people who practiced this banned religion, fled their country and they took a few manuscripts with them.

Archaeologists have unearthed some of these valuable texts that contain secret ancient teachings and preserved them for future generations.

Today, the story of the forbidden ancient manuscripts that were almost erased from history can finally be told.

Read part 2

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