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Controversial Artifacts Linked To Cradle Of Civilization In The Americas Result In Scientific Disagreement

Ellen Lloyd - - The idea that many ancient civilizations traveled vast distances, crossed the oceans, walked miles across deserts, struggled to get through dangerous jungles, is hardly questioned these days. Afterall, archaeologists have found plenty of evidence showing clearly that our ancestors were very mobile.

That’s a fact hardly anyone debates these days.

But why are some ancient civilizations credited as great explorers and others are ignored? At what point does a theory become too controversial?

The ancient civilization we are discussing this time traveled miles. They left their precious ancient artifacts in a foreign country. These precious items have been found, examined and the results reveal something astonishing. Yet, for some reasons the theory that these people reached South America thousands of years ago has gone unnoticed.

Why is this ancient journey considered far-fetched? Archaeological evidence seems to tell a different story. Putting alternative ancient history researchers aside, there are mainstream historians who are inclined to consider the possibility this evidence could re-write the ancient history of South America.

Have we found the cradle of civilization in the Americas? It’s a controversial subject and there are many conflicting theories, but it doesn’t prevent us from examining the evidence and opinions put forward by specialists.

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