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Ancient Mystery In The Alpes Remains Unsolved Because Of Contradicting Information

Ellen Lloyd - - The Alpes stretch across France, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany and Slovenia. In ancient time, the Alpes were home to many tribes that fought battles against each other.

This beautiful region of Europe is of great historical importance to the entire continent. The Roman Empire established vital outposts in this area, the Gauls and Celts created long-gone kingdoms, the Neanderthals inhabited the region, 30,000-year-old traces of anatomically modern humans have been found in the Alpes, and archaeologists have uncovered amazing ancient artifacts hidden deep beneath the snow.

The Alpes have a very rich ancient history, and thanks to researchers, we do know a lot about what happened in this region. We possess information about what kind of people lived here, what cities they built, what battles were fought, what kind of influence various tribes had on each other and neighboring countries, and much more.

Yet, in the Alpes we can also come across mysterious artifacts, puzzling little-known places, and other ancient curiosities. As we continue to explore the ancient secrets of Europe, trying to learn more about our ancestors, we take a journey to these striking mountains where we encounter yet another unsolved ancient mystery that has puzzled historians for a very long time.

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