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Unexplained Phenomenon In East Anglia – Ancient Mystery Deepens As More Unusual Sightings Are Reported – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd - - In part 1 of this series we talked about the Multiverse theory and the possibility there is a time portal in East Anglia.

We will now continue the subject and learn about other curios sightings that took place in this region.

Several of these sightings are very old and have been reported by credible witnesses. When media learned about this unexplained phenomenon, newspapers started to publish articles and later something odd happened.

As we explore the remarkable incidents, we also take a closer look at our ancestors’ interest in time portals and the parallel worlds theory. Is it possible ancient people were familiar with this modern concept but used other terms to describe the idea our world is surrounded by a number of invisible worlds co-existing next to our own? Did they know more about the Multiverse theory than we think?

As we are about to find, the region in East Anglia is not the only place where people have reported seeing images from the past…

Read part 1

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