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Secrets Of A Lake That Could Re-Write Ancient History Of America – Myths And Gods Reveal A Complex Story – Part 1

Ellen Lloyd - - Some places are beautiful, and some are just as magnificent as shrouded in mystery. Our quest to unravel the secrets of our ancestors, takes us to a wonderful corner of the world where we come across an interesting lake that may hold vital clues to our distant past.

Despite some archaeological excavations, no-one knows yet what secrets are hidden at the bottom of the lake. Underwater archaeologists have brought to the surface precious ancient artifacts that give us some idea about the people who lived here.

Still, there are many unanswered questions regarding the lake’s location, myths, and the possibility this sacred place was once a visited by an advanced ancient civilization from across the ocean.

Ancient alternative history researchers suggest, this remarkable lake is much more important than we realize. An examination of ancient myths, legends, unearthed artifacts, puzzling inscriptions, strange ancient buildings and other curiosities related to this place show that this lake is not only beautiful but has true potential to re-write ancient history of America.

We will begin our long journey by familiarizing ourselves with ancient myths and legends linked to the lake. What  appears to be just an ordinary story dealing with mythological events, will later develop into a much more complex story that puzzles modern historians and archaeologists.

Read part 2

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