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Strange Ancient Accounts Of Fourth Dimensional Phenomena

Ellen Lloyd - - While modern scientists are busy finding proof of a fourth dimension, ancient people recorded curious events that indicate the existence of another dimension that we are unaware of.

Living in a 3-dimensional world, we hardly consider the possibility there can be a fourth dimension that we cannot experience. Yet, according to the superstring theory, there are 10 dimensions. Nine of these dimensions are of space, and one is of time.

Proving the existence of additional dimensions is extremely difficult, but American and European scientists announced earlier this year that they have actually glimpsed the “fourth dimension”.

According to Mikael Rechtsman from Penn State University, “Physically, we don't have a 4D spatial system, but we can access 4D quantum Hall physics using this lower-dimensional system because the higher-dimensional system is coded in the complexity of the structure. Maybe we can come up with new physics in the higher dimension and then design devices that take advantage the higher-dimensional physics in lower dimensions.”

It is interesting to note hundreds of years ago, people observed and recorded objects that appear to have moved from one dimension to another. What is even more puzzling is that certain cases of this baffling phenomenon occurred in the same region with an interval of a couple of hundred years! How is it possible? How can we explain some very similar and yet independent reports of a specific object that moved “between dimensions”?

In one of our previous articles we discussed unusual accounts of strange glimpses from the past that were reported by several people in East Anglia. We talked about the possibility there may be invisible time portals on our planet. When people accidentally come across one of those time portals, they can either vanish into thin air or witness scenes from other realities and timelines.

We are going to elaborate on this subject by discussing truly odd accounts of fourth-dimensional movements of objects. The events happened a long time ago, but they were documented. Is it possible there are certain invisible points of re-entry to our three-dimensional world? Could such entrance points explain the stories we are about to discuss?

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See also:

Bizarre And Unexplained Phenomenon That Defied The Laws Of Nature

Unexplained Phenomenon In Ancient Ireland – When Legends, Science And Real Events Collide

Unexplained Phenomenon In East Anglia – Time Portal And Strange Glimpses From The Past – Part 1 - 2

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