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Biblical Cherubim – Sweet Angels Or Dangerous Creatures With A Hidden Agenda?


Ellen Lloyd - - Often depicted in Christian art as adorable little children with wings, the Cherubim are mentioned frequently in the Bible. In the traditional definition, they are thought to be angels and their origin is shrouded in mystery.

However, examination of the Scriptures reveal that the Cherubim were far from as sweet as modern artists depict them. Their innocent look is misleading. Their nature and acts show the Cherubim were hostile, aggressive and without mercy.

Biblical Cherubim – Sweet Angels Or Dangerous Creatures With A Hidden Agenda?

Certain Biblical passages even suggest that the Cherubim were “programmed” and acted on “orders”. As special guardians, the Cherubim knew exactly what had to be done when God’s work and sacred places were endangered.

Do the Cherubim offer proof of highly advanced technology in the Bible? It’s a very controversial theory, but some think it may actually be so. How else can we explain some very odd descriptions on these peculiar creatures mentioned in the Holy Book?

Is it possible the Cherubim are something entirely different than we have imagined?

In this article we will try to unravel the identity and motives of the Cherubim. We will look closer at Biblical passages that reveal something astonishing.

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See also:

Ancient Cities Built By Biblical Giants – Archaeological Evidence

Was Biblical Adam A Giant Who Emerged From An Underground World?

Mystery Of Biblical Adam – A Hidden Story Within A Story Open To Interpretation


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