A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com - Secret expeditions visited a remote place where they found ancient ruins that had previously only been known from myths and legends.
Among the ruins, researchers unearthed extraordinary objects that are still shrouded in mystery. One of these ancient artifacts tells a remarkable story about life on our planet in very remote times. Based on ancient documents, scientists learned that certain parts of our ancient history are not quite as we thought.
Equally puzzling as the ancient artifacts were a mysterious ancient race of star worshippers, who live in the region, but no-one knew were they had come from.
They were highly civilized people who possessed abilities and knowledge, which some would define as not of this world. How did they obtain knowledge about complex subjects modern science is still struggling to understand? Were they in contact with superior ancient lost civilizations?
These people were familiar with many surprising ancient technologies we do not know anything about.... They must have been a part of legacy left by a highly advanced technologically culture...
The truth is this old race of star worshippers we talk about in this article, remain an unsolved ancient mystery. These peoples’ ancient knowledge, artifacts, ruins, remarkable mental and physical abilities are fascinating…
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See also:
Mysterious City Lost In The Sands And Its Hidden Treasures
Controversial Unexplained Ancient Mystery In Mongolia - Part 1 - 2
Sacred Ancient Texts Reveal Who Really Aligned The Oldest Monuments To The Stars