Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - As we continue our journey through North America searching for traces of an ancient lost civilization, our next destination is Iowa.
In Iowa we find several ancient mounds that were built to honor the dead, interesting geometric earthworks and many curious ancient artifacts. According to traditional history, Iowa has been inhabited by Native Americans for about 13,000 years. The mounds were constructed by Iowa’s early Hopewell culture between 100 B.C. and 200 A.D.
While examining the burial mounds in Iowa, scientists found an unusual skeleton that reveals something very odd.
Archaeologists have also come across out-of-place artifacts that may offer evidence of an ancient lost civilization in Iowa. Based on these artifacts, one can only assume that people lived in Iowa much earlier than mainstream history teaches us.
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See also:
Puzzling Evidence Of An Advanced Ancient Civilization In Texas That Mysteriously Disappeared