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Forbidden High-Tech Knowledge Of A Controversial Ancient Lost Super Race

Ellen Lloyd - - Exploring ancient myths, legends and sacred texts can be very rewarding. This is especially true when we encounter evidence of ancient advanced technology that shouldn’t exist.

Many myths and legends are usually based on some core of fact. We have seen on many occasions that dismissing our ancestors’ stories as fiction can be unwise. A number of ancient accounts have been confirmed by modern science and more can follow in the near future.

In this article we continue our search for traces of advanced ancient technology and on our journey, we encounter a controversial ancient lost super race that according to old records mastered technology they should not even be aware of.

Even more interesting is that this mysterious advanced race was unwilling to share their forbidden knowledge with other ancient civilizations.

What ancient secrets did this enigmatic lost ancient super race want to hide?

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See also:

Native Americans And European Legends Tell Peculiar Beings From The Sky Still Live On The Earth

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