Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - We have seen on many occasions the Bible contains several accounts scholars still struggle to explain and the interpretation of certain curious events vary.
One great, still unsolved Biblical mystery deals with the reason why Moses had to wear a mask after visiting God on Mount Sinai.
During the Exodus, God descended on Mount Sinai and told Moses to visit him on the top of the mountain. From Exodus 19:18 we learn that Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the Lord descended on it in fire. It was dangerous to be in God's vicinity and the dense cloud that surrounded him because the Lord declared that no-one who sees him will survive. “Man shall not see Me and live”. (Exodus 33:20). The Lord warned also that it was strictly forbidden to touch the ground at the base of the mountain. Anyone, human or animal, who did that must be killed.
The only person who was allowed to face the Almighty was Moses.
Moses did meet the Lord on Mount Sinai, but the prophet and leader of the Israelites experienced a dramatic personality change after his encounter with God. What caused this sudden change in Moses? What did he see? Did the face of God frighten him?
What is known is that the prophet’s face was shining after his stay on the Sinai Mountain for forty days. “The skin of his face shone” (Exodus 34:29).
An interesting theory suggests that Moses hid his face behind a mask. Some scholars have even suggested the prophet deliberately covered his face behind two masks. On the road, searching for truth we encounter a very disturbing and chocking story revealing the existence of an unknown, hidden prophet who may hold the answer to this Biblical mystery.
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