Controversial Prehistoric Structures That Resisted Water And Extreme Weather Conditions

A. Sutherland - - These ancient buildings have long been a subject of scientific curiosity. Interestingly, the prehistoric structures we discuss this time, resisted water and extreme weather conditions.

How was the construction of the structures organized and what building methods were applied? What was the buildings' function from the beginning? Made of solid masonry with a rectangular base, many of these ancient structures lack doors and windows. How was the stone material, usually hard basalt, cut and transported and with what kind of tools?

Controversial Prehistoric Structures That Resisted Water And Extreme Weather Conditions

What were the mysterious buildings used for? It seems that ancient builders raised these structures at certain carefully selected spots. A controversial theory put forward by a credible scientist reveals something extraordinary.

Curiously, at the end of the Middle Ages, constructions of huge buildings and castles with solid walls of stone ceased. Why was this building practice so abruptly abandoned?

In this article we examine the secret ancient history behind these buildings and along the road we unravel something truly astonishing…

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Ancient European Buildings Form A Sacred Symbol When Viewed From The Air – Scientist Reveals

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