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Unusual High-Tech Machine In The Bible Offers Evidence Of Lost Ancient Advanced Civilization

Ellen Lloyd - - A closer examination of some Biblical stories reveals certain objects bear a striking resemblance to  our modern technological inventions.

If we decide not to dismiss the Bible as a collection of fabricated stories, then we can find clear indications that our ancestors were familiar with highly advanced technology. Many Biblical stories are based on much older events and combined together, they offer evidence of the existence of an ancient lost civilization that may very well have possessed technology equal to ours.

There is no shortage of unusual stories in the Holy Book. This time we focus our attention on one particular Biblical story that has often been dismissed as fiction.

However, if this story is based on a true event, then there is no doubt, this is a piece of technology that could easily re-write our history books.

In the Bible we can read the story of Jonah and the whale. It is a curious story, that is said to be a fable, but could it not have been a true event?

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