Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - In part 1 of this series we discussed ancient myths and legends that describe the location and fate of Mu. We learned that many ancient civilizations were familiar with this fascinating continent inhabited by a superior race.
Our ancestors often referred to this people as a race of magical and immortal beings and some have suggested traces of the cradle of civilization can found in this part of the world. We continue to explore the ancient secrets of the masters of Mu and their sacred knowledge that they desperately wanted to pass on to future generations. Some of the lords of Mu survived and we encounter them in other parts of the world. They were known under different names and a couple of them are very familiar. It is interesting to note there is a fascinating connection between the long lost legendary continent and America, as well as other regions of the world.
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See also:
Home Of The Gods – Arrival Of Golden Ships – Part 1 -3
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