A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com - Scandinavia has the largest concentration of Bronze Age rock art in Europe. Approximately thirty thousand registered sites depict figurative art (human and animal figures are frequent subjects), abstract, and other images such as cup marks and cupules.
At Tanum, near Tanumshede, Bohuslän, Sweden, there is a high concentration of petroglyphs carved from the Nordic Bronze Age rocks. They are known as 'Tanum Petroglyphs.'
The 'Tanum petroglyphs' contain thousands of images carved on over 600 panels. The ancient site covers an area of about 51 hectares (126 acres (0.5 km²).
There is a large variety of images; boats with about 12 passengers, the so-called 'Hjortspring boats' dated to the Scandinavian Pre-Roman Iron Age and excavated for the first time in 1921-22, carts, humans with bows, animals, and weapons like spears and axes.
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