Bones Of Giants Unearthed In Ancient Cave

Ellen Lloyd - - "Someone" is buried there... and they do not appear to be ordinary humans.

In a difficult accessible region, there is an unusual ancient cave containing thousands of skeletal remains. Many of the bones are very large and they have been hidden there for several hundreds of years.

Bones Of Giants Unearthed In Ancient Cave

Is it a mass burial cave for an ancient race of giants? News about this discovery reached the public but only for a brief time. Shortly after the finding was announced no-one made a follow-up and everything was silent despite certain attempts to reveal the truth. Are we dealing with an archaeological cover-up or a hoax? Undoubtedly, if genuine, this is an incredible discovery that could re-write our history books. Interestingly, the first time these giant bones were reported was over 400 years ago!

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See also:

Ancient Cities Built By Biblical Giants – Archaeological Evidence

Was Biblical Adam A Giant Who Emerged From An Underground World?

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