Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - The two Egyptian gods Thoth and Osiris are well-known to anyone interested in mythology.
Thoth was ancient Egypt’s most mysterious, highly venerated God of knowledge and writing. Widely regarded as a divine teacher of humans, who left his most important legacy for them - a great library of knowledge and science, God Thoth many names and titles.
Osiris was also a powerful and enigmatic god in ancient Egypt. His exact origin and the meaning of his name remain enigmatic, but he was a god of death and he was later associated with agriculture and fertility
This is common knowledge that we can learn from ordinary mythology books. What is less known is that there was a ‘second’ Thoth and God Osiris may not have been who we think he was. A study of esoteric teachings reveals something very interesting and surprising about these two powerful ancient Egyptian gods.
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