Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - Many times, ancient people left behind certain clues that, when deciphered, could describe things and events they had witnessed. It was their way of leaving a historical message to future generations. Looking at this evidence today, we are astonished, and we tend to dismiss some of the most perplexing ancient scenarios as pure fiction. We do this because they are unorthodox in nature and do not fit the established historical timeline. But isn’t history just like science – a field that should move forward when knowledge has been gained? If we already know everything about history and all timelines are set, then what’s the point of studying the subject?
Instead of dismissing what seems like an “impossible” scenario, we prefer to keep our minds open to all possibilities and piece together ancient history bit by bit. It’s the only way to one day in the future understand what really took place in the past.
This time, our journey takes us to Canada where we come across intriguing ancient evidence suggesting Etruscans may have visited Canada. Local Indians say the images carved on rocks existed long before they arrived. It’s a sacred ancient site, and some of the images left behind by our ancestors tell a remarkable story of people from far, far away visiting this corner of the world.
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Did Etruscans Solve The Mystery Of Synchronicity And The Secret Language Of The Stars?
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