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Mysterious Time Slips Near An Ancient Church – Reported

Ellen Lloyd - - The time slip phenomenon remains unexplained. When visiting certain areas many people have reported seeing scenes from the past. It seems some regions are more associated with time slips than others. Could this be because of stronger energy surrounding the place or is there another explanation?

As previously mentioned in our article Unexplained Phenomenon In East Anglia – Time Portal And Strange Glimpses From The Past  more and more modern physicists are seriously considering the possibility that our world may be surrounded by several invisible realities that co-exists next to our own. This could explain why we sometimes can catch brief glimpses from the past.

Our ability to temporarily witness ancient people and events appears to be greater when we visit places that are rich in history.

Sometimes, the observer not only looks at an event from the past but risks being trapped in a time warp. Today’s time slip mystery takes us to an area where we find an ancient church and other prehistoric buildings. Several unusual and unexplained time slip events have been reported in this region.

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See also:

Mysterious People Who Appeared Out Of Nowhere

Encounter With Time Window At The Upper Current River And Curious Glimpses From The Past

Mysterious Visitors From Other Realms And Enigma Of Atmospheric Phenomena

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