Knowledge Of Secret Ancient Underground Civilization Revealed By Maya Priests

Ellen Lloyd - - Ancient sources reveal that Mayan priests had knowledge of a very old civilization that underground but for there was a reason why no-one was allowed to contact these individuals.

Who were these mysterious subterranean beings?  Where did they come from? Why did they seek protection in large and very dangerous caves?

Knowledge Of Secret Ancient Underground Civilization Revealed By Maya Priests

Could some hidden ancient secrets in the caves of the Yucatan re-write history? During a little known expedition, a group of modern Maya priests revealed something astonishing!

Our journey takes us to a remarkable place that is almost forgotten and shrouded in mystery. Once again, we come across puzzling evidence that clearly shows us our knowledge of ancient history is far from complete.

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See also:

Mysterious Ancient Underground King And Ruler Of The World – Who Was He? Part 1 - 2

Ancient Intercontinental Underground Tunnels Built By Survivors Of A Great Catastrophe And The Snake God Connection

Ancient City Filled With Treasures May Be Hidden Underground In South America

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