Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - On a small island in Japan there is a very interesting cave filled with astonishing ancient paintings. The cave's narrow entrance and passage make the place difficult to access. Many years ago, one person investigated the cave and found something quite extraordinary. Inside the cave there were dozens of extraordinary images from the past.
The ancient cave paintings depicted ships, people and animals never encountered in the history of ancient Japan. Who were these beings and where did they come from? Could the cave paintings have been left to tell a story of a long-lost ancient race that was we know virtually nothing about? What role did these enigmatic people play in history and why are some of them depicted with wings?
What is the connection to some of the cave paintings and curious ancient myths and legends told in neighboring countries? There is an unusual and intriguing resemblance that could shed more light on the mysterious ancient lost race that has vanished from our history books.
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